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Safeguarding and Child Protection

Safeguarding and Child Protection are key priorities for Waunarlwydd Primary School.  We aim to support vulnerable children to ensure they are as safe as they can possibly be.  Our school is committed to ensuring the safety and protection of all children and will take action to safeguard their well-being. We acknowledge that children have a right to protection and this is supported in the general ethos of our school. 

The school's policy applies to the whole of the school's workforce, along with volunteers, governors and any contractors working on the school site. In particular, staff recruitment and selection processes ensure that all staff and volunteers etc have been appropriately DBS checked for their suitability, using the Safe Recruitment procedures.

We work in partnership with outside agencies to safeguard children. When there are concerns it may be necessary to make a referral to Children’s services.

At Waunarlwydd Primary school we have a comprehensive safeguarding/child protection policy. All staff undertake safeguarding training that equips them to recognise and respond to child welfare concerns.

Designated Child Protection Officer : Mr Jamie Evans (Head Teacher)

Deputy Designated Child Protection Officer : Ms Kirsty Williams

Child Protection Governor : Mrs Rayna Soproniuk (Chair)

They follow strict guidelines on how to deal with any concerns as set out in the All Wales Child Protection Procedures.