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Areas of Learning and Experience

Each of the 6 Areas of Learning and Experience support learners to realise the four purposes of the curriculum. Planning across Statements of What Matter, we endeavour to give equal weighting to the 6 areas and, with this in mind, making links across the curriculum is essential. All teachers plan for the cross-curricular responsibilities of Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence to support almost all learning. 

The Expressive Arts Area of Learning and Experience will afford learners meaningful experiences through which they can Explore, Create and Reflect on creative works through traditions, time and culture locally, nationally and globally. Provision centres on the five disciplines of art, dance, drama, film and digital media, and music. The aim is to provide learners with opportunities to plan, refine and communicate ideas while thinking creatively and engaging their imagination and senses. 

 The Humanities Area of Learning will provide learners with opportunities to study Human experiences in the past and present, at local, national and global levels, encouraging them to contribute to their communities, imagine possible futures and benefit from a sense of belonging. Humanities encompasses geography, history, religious education, business studies and social studies and learners will develop an understanding of how the people of Wales, its communities, culture, landscape, resources and industries interrelate with the rest of the world. Promoting an understanding of the ethnic and cultural diversity within Wales will also help learners appreciate the extent to which it is part of a wider international community. 

The Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience is about the physical, psychological, emotional and social aspects of our lives. It recognises good health and well-being as a key enabler of successful learning. This area of learning and experience will support learners to develop and maintain not only their physical health and well-being, but also their mental health and emotional well-being, as well as developing positive relationships in a range of contexts. Progress will be made with regards to the learners self-regulation skills, social responsibility, sophistication of knowledge and skills as well as developmental growth.

Science and Technology draws on the disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, design and technology, and physics to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the world. In Waunarlwydd, we encourage children to make links with Science, Technology and the real world through experiencing and building knowledge in a range of related ideas, concepts and principles, while embedding practical and wider skills to define a problem, explore ideas, produce solutions and justify choices. Planning across the what matters statements, will support the development of meaningful links and connections.

We ensure that mathematics and numeracy experiences are engaging, exciting and accessible for learners, and that they ensure that learners develop mathematical resilience (the ability to embrace challenge as a positive aspect of learning). Real-life contexts are used to introduce and explore mathematical concepts, as well as to consolidate them. Teaching introduces a reasoning and problem-solving approach to all mathematics and numeracy experiences to support the development both of positive dispositions and of the four purposes of the curriculum, as well as the development of the mathematical proficiencies. 

Languages, Literacy and Communication enable us to analyse and understand the world around us. By being supported to become successful in this area of learning and experience, learners are therefore also supported to succeed across the whole curriculum. The Languages, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning and Experience will enable all learners to gain knowledge and skills in Welsh, English and international languages as well as in literature. The four areas identified as what matters in Languages Literacy and Communication are highly interconnected. Listening and reading as well as speaking and writing exist in relation to each other and not separately. Rich experiences in each of these four elements will support the development of the other three.