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When teachers and families work together, outcomes improve. We’re using Seesaw because it supports strong relationships between teachers, students, and families. Together, we can support and celebrate your child’s learning inside and outside the classroom!


  • Makes your child’s thinking and learning visible so we can see and celebrate their growth over time
  • Opens communication between home and school, so we can share ideas to best support your child’s learning at home and at school
  • Gives your child an authentic audience for their work — you! — which motivates them to do their best

Your child will be able to add the things we work on in school (including photos, videos, worksheets, drawings and voice recordings) to their Seesaw journal and we can share them privately with you to view and comment on throughout the school year through the Seesaw FAMILY app.

You can also share work to add to your child’s journal done at home through the Seesaw CLASS app. If you need a code to access either of these apps, please contact your child’s teacher. Your child’s journal will follow them throughout their time in the school and will make it possible to track progress and build a complete record of Learning.

Below you will find an explanation about the differences between the two Seesaw apps. If you have any further questions please contact the school.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

You can find Seesaw’s privacy policy here: Seesaw Privacy Policy

Children's Quick start guide

Parent's Quick start guide