Latest News - Friday 15th November
The week started on Monday with staff and children showing impeccable respect towards the importance of Remembrance Day. We've had Anti-bullying week and Odd Socks Day which has reminded us of the importance of kindness and celebrating differences. It has been wonderful to welcome the families of Years 5 and 6 into school this week to visit our 'Cafe Cynefin'. We hope everyone enjoyed the experience as much as the children enjoyed hosting you. We will be repeating 'Cafe Cynefin' for other year groups throughout the year. Our Cross Country team took part in the first North Gower Partnership event of the year today and all the children participated with determination and did themselves and the school proud! Today has also seen 'Children in Need' with the school filled with colour and costumes as we think about those that are less fortunate than ourselves. A big thankyou for your donations. The week ended with a magnificent Roald Dahl assembly led by Mr Reid's Year 3 class. I'm sure all the family members that attended enjoyed it as much as we did. In amongst all this the school has been filled with the learning and laughter of Wauanarlwydd. We're heading towards a very busy time of year with lots of learning and preparation for some exciting events.
Just a reminder that the BOOK FAIR is in school next week and open before and after school. Come and take a look!
Remember, this is 'OUR SCHOOL' and, as always, if you have any queries, concerns or ideas, don’t hesitate in making contact!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Diolch pawb!
Mr Jamie Evans