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Latest News - Friday October 18th

It's been a wonderful week at Waunarlwydd Primary School with lots of learning and laughing together. We celebrated 'Shwmae Day' in style on Tuesday with the school being filled with Welsh colours, activities and songs. The day also saw the children thoroughly enjoy their 'Size of Wales' workshops. Gwaith Wych pawb! It was a pleasure yesterday to attend Year 6's assembly. I hope all the family members present enjoyed and were full of pride. The assembly was based around our value of the month 'KINDNESS' and the children reminded us of the importance we place on this at Waunarlwydd Primary and gave us 5 important rules to live by:

  1. Be Open-Minded: Instead of deciding things about others before you know them, be curious and learn about them.​

  2. Be Kind: Treat everyone with kindness, no matter how they look or where they are from. We all deserve respect.​

  3. Stand Up: If you see someone being treated unfairly, be a friend and help them. We should all support each other.​

  4. Include Everyone: Include them in your games and activities. You might make new friends and have lots of fun together.​

  5. Learn Together: When we learn about different cultures and ways of life, we realise how amazing our world is.

PTA Monster's Ball

A reminder that the 'Monsters Ball' will take place on Thursday 24th October. You can purchase tickets from the office, a PTA member or by sending cash in an envelope with your child. 

 Football opportunity


Toddlers and Nursery 

If you know of any friends or family members with children that are turning 3 this year, please pass on this information:

Have you registered your child for Nursery?

Good news! At Waunarlwydd Primary School we are delighted to be able to offer Nursery places to 3-year olds and Toddler sessions to those turning 3 this academic year!

Please contact the school to register your child.

If you would like to arrange a tour of the school, let us know! Phone : 872431

Email :

Message from St Barnabus

Remember, as always, if you have any queries, concerns or ideas, don’t hesitate in making contact! Have a wonderful weekend!

Diolch pawb!

Mr Jamie Evans
