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Latest News - Friday March 7th

Wow, what a week! We certainly returned to school following half-term in style! On Tuesday, we celebrated all things Welsh with our belated St. David's Day. It was a wonderful day, with the undoubted highlight being our whole school Eisteddfod where we celebrated the achievements of our incredible children. In a sea of red we, once again, saw what a talented bunch we are at Waunarlwydd with some amazing art, poetry, music and much more! A special thanks to oursuperb 'Criw Cymraeg' for organising the day! Gwaith wych pawb!

On Thursday, the school was filled with all sorts of story characters as we celebrated 'World Book Day'. The children loved visiting other classes to share and read books and complete activities with older and younger friends. Wonderful to see! Thanks to our incredible PTA, the whole school attended Waunarlwydd's very own 'Mad Hatter's Tea Party', full of music, games and yummy food! Bringing the whole school together in such an imaginative way resulted in a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable occasion for all, especially the children. A superb day full of smiles! 

To top off a superb week, our Year 1, 2 and 3 classes spent Friday learning all about life in Cardiff Castle on their trip. Children, staff and volunteers thoroughly enjoyed and, once again, the children did us all proud with their manners and behaviour!

St Barnabus After School Club - Wednesdays 



We can now confirm that our final INSET DAYS of the school year will take place on:

Monday June 2nd

Friday July 4th 

Monday July 21st


Remember, this is 'OUR SCHOOL' and, as always, if you have any queries, concerns or ideas, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful half term! See you all on Monday March 3rd!

Diolch pawb!

Mr Jamie Evans
