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Latest News - Friday December 13th

A superb week at Waunarlwydd School where we were able to celebrate our amazing children during five outstanding concerts. It was great to see so many of you in the audiences during the week and I'm sure that you left full of pride for your children. A great way to get the Christmas festivities started. Another big thanks to all the staff, parents and children for all their support and hard work!

**Reminder - Uniform is optional for the whole of next week. Children are welcome to wear Christmassy clothes or non-uniform.**

SEESAW UPDATE - We will be trialling the use of SEESAW in place of text messaging after Christmas. If you have not yet registered with SEESAW, please could you do so. If you have any problems, let us know!

Parent/Carer Feedback

This is 'OUR' school and, as parents or carers, we value your voice as crucial members of the school community. We would greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete this short form to help us move forward as a school by identifying strengths to build on and areas to improve and develop. Many thanks!

Parent / Carer Feedback

CAMHS in-reach parent workshop

Breakfast Club 

To allow us to plan for after Christmas, we ask all those requiring the use of Breakfast Club to complete the registration form. Those children regularly attending breakfast club will be bringing a form home today. If anyone else requires a form, collect one from the office. Please complete and return by Wednesday, December 18th! Many thanks!


Just a reminder that Monday, January 6th is an INSET DAY. Children will return to school following the Christmas break on Tuesday, January 7th. Diolch!

Christmas Dates for the diary

Monday 16th December - Christmas trail and a *SPECIAL VISITOR*

**PTA Pop Christmas Stall after school**

Wednesday 18th December - Party Day 

Thursday 19th December - Christmas Dinner Day

Friday 20th December - Toy Day (*STRICTLY NO MOBILE PHONES*)

Last Day of Term

Remember, this is 'OUR SCHOOL' and, as always, if you have any queries, concerns or ideas, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Diolch pawb!

Mr Jamie Evans
