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Latest News - Friday December 6th



It's been a busy few weeks at Waunarlwydd Primary School. Firstly, a massive thanks to our wonderful PTA, staff and families for making our Christmas Fair so successful. It was amazing to see so many of you! Thanks to our incredible choir for kicking the event off in style. The success of these events is only possible due to the unseen time and effort put in by the PTA (a special thanks to Lara, Claire and countless others), commitment of staff and, most importantly, the support of our wonderful families.

This is 'OUR SCHOOL' and I'm sure that if we keep working together we can look forward to more amazing events in the future, with the shared aim of giving our superstar children the best possible experiences in school.  

Christmas Workshops

This week, all the children have thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas workshops. A big thanks to Matt and his team from Parklands Church for delivering such engaging and fun activities for the children! 

 Christmas Concerts

Christmas is heading our way fast and the children have been thoroughly enjoying their preparations ahead of next week's concerts. You're in for a treat! We have tickets still available for most shows, so if you would like more, just let us know. Diolch!

Breakfast Club 

To allow us to plan for after Christmas, we ask all those requiring the use of Breakfast Club to complete the registration form. Those children regularly attending breakfast club will be bringing a form home today. If anyone else requires a form, collect one from the office. Please complete and return by Wednesday, December 18th! Many thanks!


Just a reminder that Monday, January 6th is an INSET DAY. Children will return to school following the Christmas break on Tuesday, January 7th. Diolch!

Christmas Dates for the diary

Tuesday 10th December - Nursery and Reception Concert (9.45)

Year 1, 2 and 3 Concert (2.00)

Wednesday 11th December - Year 4, 5 and 6 Concert (13.30)

Year 1, 2 and 3 Concert (18.00)

Thursday 12th December - Christmas Jumper Day (Save the Children UK - Buckets on gates)

Year 4, 5 and 6 Concert (18.00)

**There are several Christmas activities planned for the last week of term so uniform will be optional. Children are welcome to wear Christmas jumpers/clothes or non-uniform every day during the last week.

Monday 16th December - Christmas trail and a *SPECIAL VISITOR*

Wednesday 18th December - Party Day 

Thursday 19th December - Christmas Dinner Day

Friday 20th December - Toy Day (*STRICTLY NO MOBILE PHONES*)

Last Day of Term

Remember, this is 'OUR SCHOOL' and, as always, if you have any queries, concerns or ideas, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Diolch pawb!

Mr Jamie Evans
