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A very big Thankyou! Diolch yn fawr iawn!

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Friday July 19th

It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the end of the school year. It’s been a wonderful year at Waunarlwydd Primary School and there are lots of big thanks deserved:

  • To our staff, a huge thanks for all your effort and hard work throughout the year. You never fail to give 100% for the children and we are very lucky to have such a dedicated group of staff at Waunarlwydd. Enjoy a well deserved break!
  • To our parents, families and wider community. Massive thanks for all your support. Our pupils’ development is a team effort and we need to continue communicating and working together. Thanks for the positive feedback and ideas for improvements that you have provided us with. Your voice will be clearly evident in our plans for September.
  • To the PTA. You’ve gone from strength to strength and your achievements this year have been phenomenal. Exciting times ahead! Remember, if you’d like to be involved in the PTA just let us know.
  • To our governing body – Thanks for your ongoing support throughout the year and for providing support and challenge with regards to school improvement.
  • Finally, and most importantly, to our amazing pupils. You are all superstars and you have made us all proud everyday. Keep coming to school with a smile and we can look forward to learning and laughing together again in September.
  • To our year 6 pupils. We say a sad goodbye to you but I have no doubt that you will make a huge success of your time at Gowerton. Dream big and go for it! Make sure you come back to see us!

Remember this is ‘OUR SCHOOL’ and, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, don’t hesitate in making contact!

Have a wonderful Summer everyone! See you on Wednesday September 4th! 

Mr Jamie Evans
